I've been out for quite to much time and I think its alredy time I present you something new...
It's been difficult to work on it as I've been on holiday and out of home but now that I'm back I can show you my new video!
I've made an acapella mashup of 13 different hits that I love. They have all become really famous this summer and got stuck in our minds...
...and then my mind had a lot of time to mix and do crazy stupid things with all those songs and decided to make an acapella with all them.
The result is a mashup with a lot of different voices. I posted the mashup in one of my last posts and now I want to show you the video! There are a lot of Monicas singing at the same time and sometimes my PC got a little collapsed...XD but well I think the result is quite acceptable!
Hope you really enjoy it. I'll leave here the youtube link and the soundcloud sound for if you want to download the song.