dimecres, 27 de juliol del 2016

Lately, I've been increasingly addicted to playing Ukelele. Last year my mum bought herself one but she doesn't use it much. Actually, I play it more than she does and these last weeks I've been trying to play all sort of songs on Ukelele even if the song doesn't match the instrument much.

For you to understand the process that my mind does is: "wow lets play this awesome song with the guitar... wait, how would it sound with Ukelele???? Amaziiiiiing, bazzingaaaaaaaa" and so.
Even if I was playing Nirvana or American Idiot by Green Day (which I actually did) I tried to play with Uke.

Well the song cover I wanted to show you today is not Green Day and the Uke really matches the song (they play it in the original one). My last ukelele cover was of House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots!

I hope you really enjoy it! Don't forget to give it a thumbs up and a share if you like it and subscribe to my channel if you feel like!

See you soon with more music! 

diumenge, 17 d’abril del 2016


I went to see the musical El Rey Leon in Madrid and had the necessity of recording something from it! I strongly recommend watching it, it is a once in life experience, the acting is great, the singing is excellent and the feelings are uncountable.

Then...Listen to my latest acapella! An spanish version for the Cirlce Of Life from the Lion King musical.Hope you really enjoy my acapella of El Ciclo Sin Fin!

Don't forget to like, share and comment what you think about it!

See You soon!

diumenge, 20 de setembre del 2015


Hi! I want to show you my song LIVE! I recorded it during the summer and it's dedicated to my best friends. Without them life would be depressing...

So here it is and I hope you enjoy it!!

The track below is an acoustic I recorded of the song with my guitar! :)

Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT  if you like my original!!! You can find the rest of my original songs on soundcloud!

lots of love and music!
moni xx

dijous, 3 de setembre del 2015



I've been out for quite to much time and I think its alredy time I present you something new...

It's been difficult to work on it as I've been on holiday and out of home but now that I'm back I can show you my new video!
I've made an acapella mashup of 13 different hits that I love. They have all become really famous this summer and got stuck in our minds...

...and then my mind had a lot of time to mix and do crazy stupid things with all those songs and decided to make an acapella with all them.

The result is a mashup with a lot of different voices. I posted the mashup in one of my last posts and now I want to show you the video! There are a lot of Monicas singing at the same time and sometimes my PC got a little collapsed...XD but well I think the result is quite acceptable!

Hope you really enjoy it. I'll leave here the youtube link and the soundcloud sound for if you want to download the song.


Uptown Funk
Fight Song
Lean on
Want to want me
Black Magic
We could be (heroes)
Worth it
Like I can
Shut up and dance
Hold Back the river
This summer 
Stay High

lots of love and music and see you soon!

dimarts, 18 d’agost del 2015

Take a look at my original songs! I haven't been online for a while, vacation timeeeeeee!!! but I'm already working on new tunes and lyrics and lot of stuff!!
Have a great summer (or what it lasts of it) and see you soooooooon!!!!

lots of love!
moni xx

dilluns, 20 de juliol del 2015

Awesome acapella mashup!

Hey! it's been ages since I last wrote something in my blog! I'm sorry...

Buuuuut today I have something very special for you to hear! This is my new acapella.

Buuuuuuut its not only an acapella its a mashup as well

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut not only a normal mashup, there are 13 songs in there so pay attention to hear and recognise them all!

Are you able to name all of them????

much love! I hope you enjoyed it!!!!

stay aweZome xx

diumenge, 28 de juny del 2015

The Hunging Tree

Hey guys! I know it's been long since the last time I wrote but I was on holiday after the high school year.
Today I want to show you my acapella cover of the Hunging Tree, a song form the Hunger Games movie 3.
It was so fun recording it and I hope you enjoy it as well, at least my mum says she likes it! hahaha XD
lots of love!
moni xx

Stay aweZome (as always)