As I took photos of all the process while I was drawing Shawn I decided to do a "How to Draw" so that you can draw him as I did.
The final drawing is the one in the right:
0.- To start we need to make sure we have all the material. To make this drawing I used three different pencils: a normal one, a light one and a darker. It doesn't need to be professional. I don't use professional material. I'm sure if you look for different pencils at home they'll have different textures!
I also use a rubber to highlight
1.- First of all we'll start sketching the drawing. I always start with the head and neck. I put lines where the eyes and mouth should be and I sketch the hair (don't worry if it seems a bowling ball at the beginning is normal!)
After this we move to the shoulders. And we try to get them proportionaly to the head
2.-When we have the sketch finished we can get the lighter pencil and we mark the darker parts of the drawing. For example the hair shadows and the neck (as it's shown in the photo)
3.- When we have all the shadows and dark parts marked we can start painting and highlighting. I started with the hair as you can see. Basically because its better to start from the top to the bottom, this way we don't get the drawing ditry with our hands.
To draw the hair its good to make the lines in the direction of the hair, this gives a real impression to the drawing.
We can use the rubber to add highlights to the hair, where there's more light
4.- After the hair we can move to draw his face. I started with the eyes and eyelashes. As he has his eyes closed it is easier for us to draw them.
His nose is easy to draw. With the rubber we make a thick line verticaly in the middle (where the light goes) and this gives a 3D perspective. Down his nose there's a really dark shadow.
to draw his ears we need to highlight with the rubber the parts were the light comes in and we paint light shadows arround the light.
Shawns teeth Is one of the most important parts of the drawing. As you can see one of his' is like twisted (like a vampire one =P) and it is a particular trait of his mouth. We have to be very careful not to draw them so dark but make them seem real. We can use the rubber to put light in the middle of every tooth. In the sides his mouth is darker as the light doesn't come in. We'll make the change of color gradually.
5.- After finishing his face we can move to his neck. We have to paint the shadow and add light around it.
there's also a side of his head which is darker than the rest. The triangle between his ear and neck. We need to add some light in the middle of it as well.
6.- Now we only have left the shirt and the guitar!!! YAS!
to paint the shirt we'll first paint it with the light pencil and then we'll start adding all the shadows and contrasts on it. To paint it I use straight lines. First I do them all in one direction and after on the contrary like in the photo:
After this we'll add the shadows to make the shirt look like a shirt. The dark sides are round not straight as it is made of cloth.
After we finish all the lights in the shirt we can move on and finish the drawing by painting the guitar. I also recomend starting to make the shirt from left to right this way we don't get the drawing dirty (as I said before)
6.- To draw the guitar we need to see that the side of it is darker than the front. To make the drawing realist we have to paint the lines in the same direction of the wood.
We finish applying the shadows and lightning some of the lines in the sides. The buttons are black and white. As they are round we have to mahe one side of it darker than the other.
In the front part we make the top of it a bit darker. It gives a better impression of the guitar.
7.- We can finish by repearing some details and checking all the parts of the drawing are okay.
SOOOO thats all and I really hope it is helpful for you!!!!!
See you soon amazing artists <3333
Moni xx