Anyway, during a lot of time I've been making an arrangement for Blink-182's song I Miss You and I decided to post it in the end.
Its an only piano version and in my opinion one of the best arrangements I've ever done (although she looks so perfect will always take the best position in my heart XD)
I have been woking on it for about 1 month and I'm so happy I decided to record it. I uploaded it first on SoundCloud and now you can aslo see it on Youtube!
This is the video! Don't forget to tell me what you think about it, and if you liked it don't forget to like, leave a comment, subscribe to my youtube channel and share the song with your friends! It would mean so much to me!!! The more audience the more happier I get XD
See you again soon and don't forget to stay awezzome!!
PD: If nobody notoced I write awesome with Z like the minnions because I find it so adorable, just saying XD
Lots of love
moni xx