diumenge, 28 de juny del 2015

The Hunging Tree

Hey guys! I know it's been long since the last time I wrote but I was on holiday after the high school year.
Today I want to show you my acapella cover of the Hunging Tree, a song form the Hunger Games movie 3.
It was so fun recording it and I hope you enjoy it as well, at least my mum says she likes it! hahaha XD
lots of love!
moni xx

Stay aweZome (as always)

dissabte, 6 de juny del 2015


Hi again! I know I haven't posted a lot in the past days, I've been studying a lot for my selectivity exams (which are next week)!
I just wanted to show my latest drawings! I've been working so much on drawing portraits, basically of people I admire and I have a long list to go on drawing!
Hope you really like them!

lots of love
stay aweZome!
moni xx

BLACK WIDOW! (Scarlet Johansson)