dilluns, 21 de juliol del 2014

We don't care what them people say... Life of the Party

I came across this song less than a week ago. I saw two of its verses posted on Facebook by Luke Hemmings (of 5secondsofsummer) and I looked for the song and I fell in love with it.
I knew in that moment that that song would be my next target to record so I did and here's the result!
I hope you really like it and if this is the case don't forget to like, comment, subscribe... what usual
Lots of love!

diumenge, 20 de juliol del 2014

Over the sky with... Chandelier, Sia

I wanted to try and make something that could work as an objective for me so I sang Chandelier by Sia. I must say it was horrible for me but at the end I was able to get to the highest notes. Anyway, it sounded very rougth to me so I changed the chorus notes to something lower =)
Here it is! Hope you like it! If you do like and share and follow you know! ;)
Lots of love <3

dissabte, 12 de juliol del 2014

Amnesia! Videoclip (5sos cover)

I hope you enjoy my cover of this wonderful song by 5 seconds of summer. Everything is recorded at home so the quality might not be perfect but I'm quite proud of it!
If 5sos saw it I would feel the happiest person ever hahahah
PD1: I feel cool with my blue bandana
PD2: I don't have a red bandana :(
PD3: I wasn't able to go to the concert in Barcelona, sad :(
PD4: Barcelona is not on the tour dates, thats even more sad
PD5: I hope you like my cover! You know like, subscribe... :)
PD6: Lots of loveeeeeee!

ahh! and my SoundCloud page for more! https://soundcloud.com/m-nica-ortega-llobet

dimecres, 9 de juliol del 2014

Amnesia 5sos cover

Listen to my cover song of Amnesia by 5 seconds of summer! Hope you enjoy it! I love this wonderful song <3
I found a headband at home and I feel happy now!!!!
Lots of love <3