dilluns, 23 de març del 2015

this is everything I didn't say

so I made a new drawing! This weekend, whitout the preassure of exams I've been doing nothig productive XD
well I started drawing again. Everybody can notice I started drawing again because I sharpened all my pencils and seem to be like new haha

Anyway I wanted to pratise drawing people and I drawed Ashton from 5sos, or at least I tried it (because  he has a difficult face to draw)

have a nice week!
lots of love
monii xx

diumenge, 22 de març del 2015

This week I recorded my first acapella with a video. I have sung acapellas before but this is the first one I made a video of.

I'm so in love with sugar, song by Maroon 5 which is in their latest album V.
I  felt like I had to cover it someway and one day while I was walking to school with my music on (I only do this in exams week because it helps me to concentrate and keep calm) the song was on and I came with the idea of covering it to acapella. So insead of thinking about my history exam I started thinking all the different voices I could add to the main vocal part.

So a week after finishing my exams (which at least went well!) I recorded the cover and its now on Youtube!

I leave it here for If you want to check it out! =)

dissabte, 21 de març del 2015

dilluns, 16 de març del 2015

Aquesta setmana.... LIPS ARE MOVING!! de la gran Meghan Trainor
Espero que us agradi! Tinc una sorpresa per aquest cap de setmana seguent, una nova acapella amb video inclós! ;)

This week... LIPS ARE MOVING! by the great Meghan Trainor
hope you like it! Have a surprise for next week, a new acapella with video included ;)

Lots of love
stay awezzome
moni xx

diumenge, 8 de març del 2015

Aquesta setmana amb els examens no he tingut temps per fer res. Preveient-ho la setmana passada vaig gravar x2 heheJa era hora que fes una cover d'algú de casa així que aquesta setmana toca MÚSIC DE CARRER de TXARANGO!!!Espero que us agradi molt! Recordeu de compartir posar like i comentar que us sembla!!! 
Music de Carrer is a catalan song originaly by Txarango hope you really enjoy it! Due to exams I didn't have time to record a lot but in view of this last week I recorded this cover, hope you like it! here's the video
Remember to like comment share and subscribe if you like it!!

much love 
moni xx